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Digital photography tutorials; submission archive - January 2008

Here you will find the digital photography tutor photo submissions archives.

On this page are the submissions from January 2008

These submissions are now closed. You can still view them and read the comments, but you will not be able to add new comments.

But you can still contribute new photos!

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My Autistic Angel  starstarstarstarstar
This is my beautiful autistic daughter.

I was hoping to capture her personality in this shot. I did.

Her love of sand or anything like it shows ...

Mongoose Lake  starstarstarstarstar
This picture was taken by the pier on Mongoose Lake in Canada.

I was hoping to capture the fog on the water and the sky mirrored in the water. I ...

Model-ish  starstarstarstarstar
I wanted to capture my block-mate and I wanted her to look like a model.

She's on top of a table in our Botany Lab. I used the fluorescent light to ...

In Flight  starstarstarstarstar

This picture was taken outside my home on 06/25/07. I love taking pictures of hummingbirds, I feed them all summer long.
I wanted to capture the ...

N734XQ   starstarstarstar
The night after my father and I had purchased this aircraft I wanted to get some good pictures. This night shot was done with a Fuji FinePix S700.

Trying ...

Sunset over Bournemouth  starstarstarstar
I took this photo last summer in Bournemouth, on the south coast of England.

I was at a friend's wedding at the time, and the sun was setting. The sun ...

Pool Pro  starstarstarstar
This was my first shot at a lighted portrait.

While I think the shot is fine, I am unimpressed with the lack of detail.

Shot in ISO 400 with a Canon ...

my mothers designs  starstarstar
My Mom designs bags and she asked me to take a few photos of them so that she could put a portfolio together.

I just grabbed a few bags a time, choosing ...

sunset  starstarstar
Sunsets look terrific, but are strangely difficult to capture in photos. Somehow, the magic gets lost.

So what is needed for a good sunset?


Full Moon  Not rated yet
It was a full moon night and I wanted to create a freaky photo on that night.

Photographing the moon is notoriously difficult.

The problem arises ...

Cross-processed windmill  Not rated yet
My father made this steel windmill for me when I was a child. It is approximately 50cm wide and is on the top of a 2 metres steel pole.

This picture ...

comely..  Not rated yet
It was actually a stolen picture. This was taken inside my room.

The model is my cousin, who was just two years old. It took me some time, before I ...

silhouette  Not rated yet
silhouette effect with the use of sun.

Not much for us to go on from this photo, and I have to admit, I’m a little confused.

Is it a photo of the ...

Biker on the mirror  Not rated yet
My father and I were taking a friend home, and I was taking pictures with my cell phone VGA camera.

I found the angle of the mirrors very interesting....

Emotional  Not rated yet
This was taken at a window on the third floor of the building where we study.

He's my friend, and we tried to take a picture of him while he was looking ...

Snack time  Not rated yet
The photo was take on the fisherman's dock. I saw the cat hiding behind the wooden bars and waiting to eat.

I take some photos from different angles ...

The Ultimate Digital SLR Guide
Who are the frustrated
digital SLR owners?

"Taking photos has been my passion for decades.

I used to own a film SLR and loved the quality photos from it - better than anything a compact could produce.

And then I went digital (after saving up enough!).

The benefits of digital photography with the quality of a SLR - I was taking amazing pictures!

But other SLR owners I talked to were disappointed.

I soon found out the reason why - they'd bought a digital SLR because they wanted the quality, but never learned how to use it.

They were hopelessly bashing buttons trying to get great shots.

I realised they can't be alone and so I set about helping them.

The result? After a year's work I finished "The Digital SLR Guide"...

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