my bees

by Renatik
(Rep of Moldova, Chisinau)

These are Egyptian bees nearby National Museum.

Having some free minutes before getting in I tried to capture something. Being in a hurry that was the result.

It’s good to see that Renatik always has her camera with her (as I’ve said before on these pages – you can’t take a photo without a camera). And it’s nice to see that in an idle moment she decided to take a look around to see if there was something interesting and photogenic around – and found the bees!

I like the closeness to the flower in this photo. Renatik has got in close, this really helps to focus attention on the subject. I feel it is a bit unbalanced though, and a little cropping to remove some of the space below the flower would improve this shot a little.

I’m also wondering just a little about those bees themselves. They’re certainly busy, and unfortunately they’re a bit too busy. If only we could have got those two bees in the flower to ‘buzz off’ and leave the bee in flight to it.

The reason I say this is because they are both a bit lost in that flower, and I find it a little distracting. Imagine the photo with
only the bee in flight – improves the photo, doesn’t it?

There is a solution to this using software – and we need the clone tool. Click to see a photoshop tutorial on using the clone stamp.

Hope this offers a few suggestions on how to turn a nice photo into a great photo, and thanks Renatik for the submission!


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Apr 18, 2008
listen up
by: Ibrahim

Well, I've actually been to the Egyptian Museum a lot of times, and I have taken lots of shots for the pond containing these plants.

I think you could have had a better shot.

Don't know why but there is something about this photo that is just distracting, and it is not the bees that are inside the flower, infact the flying one!!!!

I know this sounds strange owing to the fact that the previous comment says the exact opposite, but I think that the bee in action here is not in an appealing pose to shoot...

Anyway I like the thinking behind this photo...

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