
by Sandy Gould
(Stilwell, Kansas USA)

Taking a Breather

Taking a Breather

I liked the lines of this photo. I liked the graphic nature of the diagonal lines.

This is a interesting shot.
 Digital Photography Secrets
Not only is this a nice close up of a grasshopper, but Sandy has caught it on some mesh that has made an unusual background.

Usually when we think of photos of insects we think of them in their natural habitat – clinging to a leaf, or partially hidden in the undergrowth.

What makes Sandy's photo different is that this grasshopper is clearly out of his natural home.

My first instincts when I see a photo with so much space around the main subject is to reach for the crop tool. And if this grasshopper were surrounded by grass, then that's exactly what I would do.

But here? No.

Because the background is, as Sandy points out, graphic diagonal lines, I think he made the right move in keeping them in.

The only thing I would have tried would be a slightly different angle on the grasshopper.


Well, this photo moves away from being a picture of a grasshopper, and is more an abstract.

If the grasshopper could have been photographed from directly above, it would be symmetrical.

This symmetry, set against the diagonals would have really made a winning picture!

Don't get me wrong, this is still a terrific photo, and thanks Sandy for the submission.


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